Over the past month I have started this blog that accompanies all of my Explore New England accounts. While this started off as an assignment for class, it has really turned into a lot more than just a semester long project. Running this account was more fun than I expected and here are 5 tips that I have found helpful in starting this process!
Be Consistent
Once you find a schedule of posting that works for you, stick to it! Keep in mind, you should be posting multiple times a week to keep your followers engaged and make sure they remember you. Having a schedule that is made far in advance so you can have less stress about creating content last minute is key. This way you can always have something to post but you also have the freedom to move things around if needed.
Create content YOU would want to see
It can be a lot easier to maintain an account that's content is something you enjoy. While you are only one person and have opinions that might differ from others, you know what you want the brand to feel like and look like. Make sure you don’t stray from how you originally envisioned the account to look like for the wrong reasons. Creating content will feel less like a chore if it's something you want to create and find the topic fun.
Have a voice
You want your account to have a voice that portrays the message your trying to send to your audience. For my account, my tone is very casual and I try to write my blogs and captions for my posts in a way that I would talk or text my friends. As I am aiming for a comfortable community aspect for my account, this tone makes the most sense for my brand. Some brands would rather sound more professional and formal in their posts so it is all based on the voice you want your account to have because no one wants to talk to the brand, they want to know they’re talking to a person.
Don’t be afraid to change things up
If things aren’t working the way you envisioned them to, don’t worry! This is your brand so you can change it up however you see fit to get the results you want to see. Changing up when or the way you post might be a way to reach more followers you never thought you would have. Trial and error is key and you can always go back to your old ways but it is definitely beneficial to switch things up. When starting these accounts,
Lastly, feel free to be transparent. Your followers are human and so are you. You should feel as though you can share as much or as little as you want. Followers enjoy knowing there's a real person behind an account, so being real with your followers creates a positive brand image. This behavior encourages followers to interact with you because they value how sincere you are.